The Latest and Most Important Blogging Statistics for 2024

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Blogging has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to share their thoughts, expertise, and products with the world. But how effective is blogging as a marketing tool? In this article, we will explore the latest and most important blogging statistics to help you understand the impact of blogging on your online presence and success.

Whether you are a seasoned blogger or just starting, these statistics will provide valuable insights into the world of blogging and how it can benefit you.

The Latest Blogging Statistics and Facts

This Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts provides an invaluable resource for understanding the current state of blogging and guides topics like audience engagement, content marketing, blog monetization, SEO, traffic generation, trends in blogging technology as well as social media popularity and reach.

Top Blogging Statistics

1. About 71% of marketers report that content marketing has become more important to their organization in the last year (Content Marketing Institute).

There is a significant shift in marketing priorities, with nearly three-quarters of marketers acknowledging that content marketing is on the rise within their organizations. This highlights the growing recognition of content’s pivotal role in contemporary marketing strategies.

2. Content Marketing is preferred for Lead Generation 76% of content marketers use content to generate leads (

The primary objective of content marketing for a majority of practitioners is lead generation. That’s a substantial portion of content marketers leverage their content to attract and convert potential customers into leads.

3. The blogging landscape shows more than 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites worldwide.

The global blogging ecosystem is a huge one. There is a sheer abundance of blogs amidst the vast digital landscape. This showcases the fierce competition bloggers face and the necessity for distinctive and high-quality content.

4. Blog reading habits seem to be positive. About 77% of internet users read blogs (Social Media Today), and nearly 26% of people in the U.K. aged 5–18 are reading blogs (Statista).

This is compelling evidence of the widespread readership of blogs, both globally and among specific demographics. There is therefore immense potential for reaching diverse audiences through this content format.

Word count and backlinks still have a significant correlation with a certain content length seems to be getting more backlinks. It suggests that there’s an optimal word count (around 1,000 words) where content tends to attract more backlinks. However, going beyond this limit may lead to diminishing returns in terms of backlink acquisition.

6. There is a moderate correlation between content length and organic traffic, but only up to 2,000 words. For posts longer than 2,000 words, there is a moderate negative correlation between word count and organic traffic (Ahrefs).

The relationship between content length and organic traffic can be seen with a big correlation for up to 2000 words. It indicates that while longer content can positively impact organic traffic up to a point (around 2,000 words), excessively long posts may see diminishing returns in terms of traffic generation.

7. Blogging drives results, about 80% of bloggers report that blogging drives results (Orbit Media).

This resoundingly affirms the effectiveness of blogging as a marketing strategy. It underscores the fact that an overwhelming majority of bloggers experience tangible positive outcomes, reinforcing the value of consistent content creation.

8. Blogging Frequency for strong results. Bloggers who publish two to six times per week are 50% more likely to report strong results (Orbit Media).

This is to stress the importance of maintaining a regular blogging schedule. It highlights that bloggers who publish content at this frequency significantly increase their chances of achieving successful outcomes.

9. Bloggers who use 7+ images per post are 2.3X more likely to report strong results (Orbit Media).

This is a spotlight on the role of visual content within blog posts. It underscores that incorporating a substantial number of images (seven or more) can substantially boost a blog’s performance and the likelihood of achieving favorable results.

10. Influential Content Types for B2B Buyersic: 65% of B2B buyers cite vendor websites as one of their most highly influential content types.

This is followed by third-party websites (48%) and third-party articles by independent publishers (39%) (MarketingCharts). This is a critical insight into the content preferences of B2B buyers. It showcases the paramount influence of vendor websites in the decision-making process, followed closely by third-party sources.

This is a surprising behavior on social media platforms – the sharing of links without actual content consumption. It underscores the challenge of capturing users’ attention through engaging headlines and visuals to encourage meaningful interactions with shared content.

Blogging SEO Statistics

12. Only 38% of bloggers are updating older articles.

A significant portion of bloggers may not be taking advantage of the potential SEO benefits of updating and refreshing their older content. This is a missed opportunity to improve search rankings and keep their content relevant.

13. According to a survey, 34% of bloggers have reported strong results after updating their content.

There is a positive impact of content updates on blog performance. A substantial portion of bloggers has experienced significant benefits, such as improved traffic and engagement, by regularly refreshing their existing content.

14. Around 5% of bloggers don’t have access to analytics.

This shows the importance of tracking and analyzing blog performance through analytics tools. Bloggers must have access to data to make informed decisions and optimize their content strategies.

15. Headlines containing 6 to 13 words tend to generate the most stable and substantial flow of traffic.

This statistic provides valuable insights into crafting effective blog post titles. It suggests that titles of moderate length (6-13 words) tend to perform the best in terms of attracting a consistent amount of traffic, emphasizing the importance of concise yet descriptive titles.

16. SEO leads have a close rate of 14.6%, whereas outbound leads, like direct mail or print advertising, only have a close rate of 1.7%.

The effectiveness of SEO-generated leads in the sales process. It demonstrates that leads generated through SEO efforts have a significantly higher likelihood of converting into customers compared to outbound leads.

17. According to a survey, 72% of online marketers stated that content creation is the most effective tactic for improving their website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

Content creation plays a crucial role in SEO strategies. It highlights that a significant majority of online marketers believe that producing quality content is the most effective approach for improving search engine rankings.

This highlights the significant relationship between having an active blog and acquiring more backlinks. It underscores the role of blogging in improving a website’s link profile, which can boost search engine rankings.

19. About 71% of bloggers agree that optimizing for search engines is the best way to get more traffic to your website.

This reflects the consensus among bloggers about the effectiveness of SEO in driving website traffic. It underscores the importance of optimizing blog content for search engines to increase visibility and attract visitors.

20. About 51% of companies measure the success of their blog content based on organic traffic, while 42% say that search ranking is the most important metric for measuring success.

This shows the key performance indicators (KPIs) that companies use to gauge the success of their blog content. It emphasizes the central role of organic traffic and search rankings as primary metrics for evaluating blog performance.

21. About 27% of bloggers always research keywords, but 15% of bloggers admit they never do keyword research.

The varying approaches to keyword research among bloggers. While a significant percentage always conduct keyword research, a noteworthy portion neglects this crucial step. Keyword research however saves bloggers from heating empty targets. It sets the right path for blogging efforts that bring results.

22. When we look at the bloggers who always research keywords, 37% say they get “strong results” from their posts. This is a big contrast to the bloggers who never research keywords, as just 11% of those writers get strong results.

The impact of keyword research on the effectiveness of blog posts is huge. Bloggers who consistently research keywords tend to achieve stronger results, highlighting the value of understanding audience search intent. Also being able to identify what you can rank quickly for.

23. About 29% of bloggers always check their Google Analytics. It is concerning to note that 4% of respondents reported that they do not have access to Google Analytics.

There are varying levels of Google Analytics usage among bloggers. While a significant percentage always monitors their website’s analytics, a small but concerning proportion lacks access to this essential tool.

24. About 36% of bloggers who regularly check their Google Analytics report “strong results” from their posts.

This emphasizes the correlation between regularly monitoring Google Analytics and achieving strong results in blogging. It underscores the importance of data-driven decision-making and performance analysis.

25. Unsurprisingly, just 10% of bloggers who never or rarely check their Google Analytics get “strong results.”

There is a negative impact of infrequent or non-existent Google Analytics monitoring on blogging outcomes. It reaffirms the importance of analytics in optimizing blog content and strategy for better results.

Get the best out of Your Digital Channels

These latest and most important blogging statistics are essential for any blogger to be aware of. Understanding these insights can help inform decisions on topics such as content length, frequency, types of visuals used, and the influence of different sources on potential customers.

Blogging is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, as it can help drive customer acquisition, increase brand visibility, and cultivate loyal followers. With ubiquitous internet access comes increased opportunities for bloggers around the world to benefit from new technologies that can potentially boost their efforts in content creation and dissemination.

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Nonofo Joel
Passionate blogger with expertise in Branding, Website Design, Content Marketing and SEO. Engaging content, unique perspective, and over a decade of experience. Join me on Global Tech Stack for captivating insights, reviews and inspiration.